Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Today Reem's mother came in to share their family's traditions and celebrations during the Ramadan holiday. Both Reem and her mother explained the five pillars of Muslim faith and the days of fasting before the celebrations of Eid. 
Thank you for sharing with us!

In Spanish today we read the Legend of the Poinsettia and learned about the Mexican flower and the story that inspires us to be generous this  holiday season. We also made our own poinsettias using our red hand prints, a messy and fun way to make a beautiful gift to share.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jack be Nimble

Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick!
Jack jumped over 
the candlestick!

Thank you to all parents who helped bring in candles for this activity.  After introducing this nursery rhyme, we worked to sort the assortment of candles donated once by color, then by size and shape and also texture. We had a great time coming up with all the different ways. We also took pictures to create a class book where each student jumped a candle or set of candles. This book will be ready after break to be taken home and shared.

This group sorts the candles by color

After reading Papa's Latkes, a Hanukkah story about the holiday traditions, students were asked to follow a series of directions given by the teacher where they needed to color, circle or add drawings to the featured Hanukkah traditions on the page. We are always working to improve our listening and following direction skills in Pre-K.

( sorry for the angle of this photo)

Star of the Week

Congratulations to Tanner our Star of the Week! He did an excellent job answering questions and sharing his pictures. Did you know that Tanner plays soccer? Did you also know that Tanner has been to Hawaii? Thank you Tanner for sharing with us today.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thrilling Thursday!

Today students enjoyed another Zero the Hero craft for the 70th day of school. Alivia's mother came in and we made cute snow boys and girl magnets for the winter season featuring their own PK faces!

Lauren decorates a stocking
Reem, Morgan and Isabella work to create a decorative menorah

A Kwanzaa color link chain for holiday cheer

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!

Today Julius' parents shared with us their holiday traditions. Julius is very fortunate in that his family observes both holidays, Christmas and Hanukkah. His mother read us a story about a girl who celebrates both holidays as well and then shared with us how to light the menorah and use an advent calendar. Thanks again to both Mom and Dad for coming in today and sharing. PK bees very much enjoyed sharing in the fun!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Students enjoy new Station Rotations this week

In our writing center this week students show their appreciation for our dinning hall employees by writing thank you cards. Students use a model to write the words, thank you, and draw a picture to show how much we C.A.R.E. in PK.

This cookie tray allows PK students to show addition problems.

In this activity students are given a strip of numbers that they are to cut apart, order correctly and glue to a strip of paper in the correct left to right progression. We will continue to build on these with 100 as our goal at the end.

Here students were given a Ziploc bag of shaving cream and were able to experiment with color mixing by adding dye.

Going along with this weeks' sound, z. On this new computer program students were able to play and explore instruments and sound including a xylophone.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Friday, December 10th is a DRESS DOWN day for Pre-K students. We will be working with Mr. Cicetti to make Tie-Dye T-shirts. Please dress your child in clothes that can be stained if accidentally dyed during this special color mixing activity. Wearing black would be a great option for both students and our parent volunteers!

Star of the Week

Star of the Week
Congratulations on a job well done! Greyson shared his pictures today and some of his favorite things. Did you know that Greyson's favorite game to play is Battleship? Did you also know that his favorite food is pizza? Thanks for sharing today, buddy!

What a day!!!

Happy Birthday Lauren!
Lauren's mother and grandmother both came in today to celebrate Lauren's birthday. We enjoyed a book based on a true story about a woman who rescued a seal. We also enjoyed a delicious healthy birthday snack that included cheese and crackers with fruit. 

Today's Second Step Lesson
Concept: A requisite for social perspective taking is the ability to predict others' feelings
Language Concepts: if-then, might, maybe or
Objectives: Children will be able to predict how others will feel as a result of their or another actions

Friday, December 3, 2010

Color Day fun!

 Our first color activity of the day was making lots of different colors in our cake batter!
 We then added a little of each color and made these amazing rainbow cupcakes!

 For snack, we even had colored milk!

It looks like we had a party in our room!
We hung colored streamers all around the room for color day!