Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cares Project... dog and cat toys/treats

Dominic was our first 'busy bee' to bring in some treats for our CARES project!

Station Rotations for the week...

 Station 1: "Word-Work"  
We got to be letter detectives and search the room for each letter of the alphabet!

 Station 2: Writing Center

 Station 3: Computers

 Station 4: Art Center... color mixing with dot art

Station 5: Activity Shelf
(forgot to take a picture... sorry!)

Monday, November 29, 2010



Friday will be COLOR DAY!  Please help your child pick out an item of clothing, that is a
solid color, to wear on Friday.  This can be anything from a shirt, pants, hat, shoes...
whatever they would like!  
We will be making our own version of Mary Wore Her Red Dress and we will publish it
for our classroom!
Plus, there will be some other exciting and fun surprises on Friday!

Holiday Celebrations!

It's hard to believe that it is that time of year already... but we have begun to take down the fall 
decorations and put up our winter holiday decorations.
Please let us know if you would like to come in and talk to the class about
the celebrations/traditions your family participates in!
We only have 3 weeks of school until break!  AUGH! 

Marvelous Monday!

 We read the book, Elmer, today!
 As an extension to our story, we made our own patch-work elephant which will
be our /E/ page in our Alphabet Book!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harold & the Purple Crayon

Today we read Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson and did a messy but delicious activity with your child. Using food coloring, whipped cream and Ziploc bags, students mixed their own purple and piped whipped cream drawings onto paper plates. Afterward they were able to lick their plates clean. Some students got a little more into the activity than we expected. Enjoy the pictures of your little ones getting messy and enjoying their art!

Today was also Mrs. Crain's birthday and Star of the Week! We learned that her favorite animal is the dolphin and she loves the beach!

Today was also the first day of our Learning Centers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Marvelous Monday

Today was an incredibly busy morning for PK Bees! 


 We started with a ice cube color experiment. Into plastic cups we placed colored ice cubes. Students were then asked to guess what color each ice cube combination will produce once melted. We successfully made green, orange, purple and brown! AMAZING!

We also read the story of thanksgiving and created a beaded bracelet to help us retell the story. Each bead color represented one element of the story. For example, the cream beads represented the pilgrims, the blue beads representing the long trip on the Atlantic, etc. Ask your child to tell you what each color of their bracelet represents from the first thanksgiving.

Today was also the 60th day of school! Justin's mother came to share a Zero the Hero craft that was great. Students used pony beads and turkey medallions to create a zero shaped necklace perfect for Thanksgiving! Thank you for a great activity.

Friday, November 19, 2010

If I were a butterfly...

Today we had our first performance on the Lower School stage with Mrs. Butler. All of our friends and family joined us to listen to and enjoy the songs we have been learning in both Music and Spanish. Afterward we were surprised by our Second grade buddies who kindly gave us cards of congratulations and also provided us with a great holiday snack! It was a busy morning!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


 Tasting Edamame!

 Color mixing!

Computer time during Station Rotation!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Photo Retake Day

If you want to have your Pre-k child's photo retaken, return the pictures with a check for $5.00 tomorrow, Wednesday, for retake day!

Tuesday Pictures!

 Lauren enjoying the writing center, looking for 'color' items to add to her color book!

 Tanner and Alivia looking for their 'color' pictures!

 Josh enjoying KidPix on the computer!

 Mikey and Dominic enjoying their turn on the computer during Station Rotation!

 Working on our 'Tootsie Turkeys'!

Gobble, Gobble!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sound Box

For Sound Box this week, your child may pick something that has the short or long /E/ sound.  Either is fine. 

*And as a reminder, the Sound Box item should reflect the sound we are studying... for example, 'knife' would be acceptable for /N/ week, not /K/.  Even though it starts with the letter /K/ it does not make the /K/ sound.  It makes the /N/ sound. 

New color bulletin board!

This is our new interactive-color-bulletin-board that is open during free choice!
The children match up the color name with the color objects!
We know our COLORS!

Our letter/sound hint...

Elmo gave us an egg with an eleven sticker inside... so it wasn't empty!!!
That's a lot of /E/ words!

Station Rotations for the week...

 One of the new centers we added this week is KidPix on the computer!

 For the art station, we are painting our feet for a special picture!
You will see, soon, why we are painting our feet brown!

 At the writing station, we added our color books.
We enjoyed cutting out pictures from magazines to help us write our Color Book stories!

Another station was the activity station.
Here is a new activity where Tanner and Alivia used colored magnet pieces to make a
mosaic picture of a butterfly.

And lastly, the other station this week is the listening station!

Learning Centers

These are our Learning Centers!
We spent some time today learning about all the different activities!
We are really looking forward to starting our Learning Centers...
They are TONS of fun!

Star of the Week, Isabella!