Thursday, March 31, 2011

Star of the Week

Sabrina was our Star of the Week and did a fantastic job sharing her beautiful pictures. Did you know that Sabrina's dog is named Diva? Did you also know that her favorite place to go is Niagara Falls? She loves to see the waterfalls lit up at night. Congratulations on a job well done.


Isabella's father came in today to read to the class for her birthday and share a special snack. Happy Birthday, Isabella!

Yucky or Yummy?

Students participated in an activity where they were asked to taste a variety of new foods and determine, appropriately for the Y sound, if it is something they think is Yummy or Yucky. Many of our PK students were very brave to taste all items.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rhyme Time Continues!

Today for seat work students were asked to draw and write using their inventive spelling skills rhymes under the flaps of each picture. We did a great job!

Scholastic Order...

Last chance to make your Scholastic Order!
I will be closing the order tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Centenial Time Capsule

Don't forget to send in pictures/items for the time capsule project!
Anything that your child loves, collects, or is part of their daily life:
-silly bandz
-pictures of the shoes they wear or that are popular
-pictures of their favorite cartoons/actors/musicians
anything that your child LOVES!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Don't Forget!

Your child has been asked to bring in two items that rhyme in addition to our sound box and Book in the Bag assignments this week.

Please bring these two rhyming items in by Friday for your child to share.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fun Photos

We added rollers to the art center!
Our rocket in progress!

Station Rotations

Mars Sand
Decorating the Rocket
Making our own constellations
Learning Centers
One of the learning centers... Tangrams
Another learning center... beginning sounds
Another learning center... ending sounds

Mars Sand

Just like on Mars... this sand is so dry, that even water can not be absorbed into it!
It is VERY cool!

This Friday...

*Dress Code from the waist down
*Any brightly colored shirt will do

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


*Apologies. These pictures were taken at full length but when I put them into the slide show some of their incredibly wacky elements were cut off! Sorry to Miss Julia especially whose picture was completely cut.

W is for Wild Waffles!

Today for snack we enjoyed some hot off the iron waffles that were wildly swirled with color!

New, fun things this week...

 Space Books in our Writing Center!

 Paining our own planet in the Art Center!

 Painting a Rocket Ship!
 A new set of Learning Centers...  we are working on language/letter and sound skills,
math skills, and spatial skills!

We have a new 'Busy-Bee-Hat' for our Busy Bee to wear!