Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tomorrow is our Halloween Party!
Please have your child bring to school their costume for the parade and class party. Parents are welcome to come in and help with costumes at 10:15. The parade will be just the PK classes and we will begin at or around 10:30. The party will begin there after.

S is for Spooky Stories!

Today to get into the Halloween spirit we read Spooky Hour a fun rhyming and counting book about some spooky friends who gather for a party. Later some PK bees wrote their own spooky stories concentrating on detailed pictures and sounding out and writing some spooky words to tell their story. Sensationally smart!!!

Star of the Week

Faith was our Star of the Week this week. Did you know that her favorite food is Brussels sprouts? Did you also know that her favorite animal is the horse and her baby brother is named Bo? Faith did a fantastic job sharing her pictures with us and answering all her classmates' questions. Congratulations on a job well done, Faith!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today October the 27th

S is for spider sandwich!

PK students were asked to flip the pumpkin playing piece ten times and mark their results on the chart. If the pumpkin landed up with a smile face and orange it was ripe for picking. If it landed up green it was not quite ripe. A perfect pumpkin picking probability activity.

Greyson did a great job flipping his pumpkin and marking his chart. His pumpkins were all not quite ripe for picking. How did he do that?

Spooky scenes at the art center

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

S is for Spiders

Today students worked on a special book called My Spider's Walk. In these books students were asked to draw and inventively spell what the spider walked over, through, around and into. Later we will be attaching plastic spiders to the book so that they can play with the book more interactively.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Marvelous Monday

Today we introduced our Nursey Rhyme of the Week, Little Miss Muffet. We talked about what are curds and whey and a tuffet. We also identified the rhyming words. Students will be given the opportunity to act this rhyme out later this week.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fun, fall activities!

 We created virtual-Pumpkins on the SmartBoard!

 We made Purple-Paper-Purses!

 As an extension to Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater, we had the opportunity to make puppets to help
us with the nursery rhyme!

Pumpkins on a fence... to go along with this poem:
Five Little Pumpkins
five little pumpkins sitting on a gate. 
The first one said, "oh my it's getting late!"
the second one said, "there are witches in the air."
The third one said, "We don't care!"
The fourth one said, "let's run and run and run!"
The fifth one said, "isn't Halloween fun?"

OOOOOOOO went the wind.
And out went the lights.
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

Zero the Hero! Day 40!

Thank you to Josh and his mom for a GREAT Zero the Hero activity!

Pajama Day!

 Thank you to the parents who were able to come and cook our pancakes!

 Playing before our festivities began!

 Yummy pancakes!

We had perfect pancakes on our Pre-k pajama day!

Pumpkin seed sorting and counting...

 We did a two-day math project...
First we counted out pumpkin seeds into groups of 10.
 We put the groups of 10 into little cups.
 Once we had all our pumpkin seeds counted out,
... we made predictions on how many seeds we had.
Then we counted by 10's!

We had...


Taste-testing /P/ things!

 Jakob was a good sport and tried some fruit!
 He liked the peaches!

 Alivia was brave as well...
 Prunes were not on the top of her list!

 Mikey was willing to try...
He liked the pears!