Thursday, September 30, 2010

T is for trail mix, trees, turtles and toothbrush...

PK Bees enjoy making a delicious T treat, trail mix!
Julius could not wait to taste his creation.
Jakob & Reem can't wait to take their trail mix outside.

Students enjoy their trail mix outside under the trees with an appropriate T story, The Giving Tree.

During free choice some students chose to make tissue paper turtles.

Sabrina does her very best work!

Mikey enjoyed painting with toothbrushes.

Aanav did a great job creating his apple tree counting book!

 Students also used highlighter tape to identify all the T sounds in our T cheer from our Tilly the Turtle Alphatale. We then tapped our toes to each T sound as we cheered.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water...

Today students worked with measurement. Using three different size pails, students were asked to guess how many cups of water they thought would fill each pail. After making their best guess we then filled each pail with water and counted the number of cups. This was a great counting exercise. Students were able to practice counting on and logical thinking. For example, if the small bucket held 3 cups then the large pail must hold more than 3. Students were careful to make their best guess based on how many cups the smaller pail held.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

Today we continued with our nursery rhyme of the week, Jack and Jill. Students were asked to identify the rhyming words, give additional rhymes for Jill, hill, crown and down. We also looked for two students in our class that like Jack and Jill had names beginning with the same letter. For example, we read aloud together Aanav and Alivia went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.

We also introduced a counting activity where students needed to read the number on each pail and count out that number of water gems and place them in the pail.
Some students enjoyed working with the T stamps.Others visited the counting box and counted out 46 Tootsie Rolls! Good counting!

Monday, September 27, 2010

T is for teeth!

*REMEMBER* TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY! BE SURE TO RETURN THE PICTURE FORM THAT WAS SENT HOME TODAY IN YOUR CHILD'S FOLDER IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE PICTURES (all students will have their pictures taken for the yearbook even if pictures are not purchased)

Today we introduced our new sound of the week, T! Students were given these trick teeth to remind them of this week's sound.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Zero the Hero

This past Thursday was another Zero the Hero day! Thank you to Tanner's mother for providing a great project for both our PK bees and the birds. Students used Crisco, birdseed and bagels to make great bird feeders. A perfect zero shape that is also green.

M is for Marshmellows!

We had a great time using marshmallows to measure and estimate. Students were presented with two jars of marshmallows. One contained mini marshmallows and the other regular sized ones. We then asked the students, which jar has more? After making our best guess, we counted each jar. Who would have thought that we would have counted 104 mini marshmallows!

We also used marshmallows to measure some classroom objects. Students lined up marshmallows along side a paper clip, a cotton ball, a rubber band and craft sticks. We asked students to then show how long each item was by coloring in that many marshmallows on their worksheet. Many were able to predict their measurements. Wow!

Our Star of the Week

Aanav shared his pictures with us and some interesting things about himself. Did you know that Aanav's favorite food is marshmallows? Did you know that his favorite animal is the monkey? A perfect match for our sound of the week. Thanks for sharing your great pictures. I bet it was fun in Cancun!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"No monkeying around!"

Today was a very short but fun-filled morning. After calendar, we read the story, There was an Old Monster. This story is similar to the favorite, There was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly, but with a monster who swallowed a tick that made him sick. While reading the story we worked on rhyming and identifying the m sounds. Afterward we enjoyed some movement with a monster freeze dance with a most appropriate song for the M sound, the monster mash.

During free choice students worked together to bake monkey bread. This was great to see! Some students dove right in with their hands and others needed a little more convincing to get their hands buttery and sticky. Not a one however needed convincing to try the bread during snack time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Delicious and Artistic M

Today we did a math activity with M & M's. Students were asked to graph the number of each color M&M's in their bag. We asked them of which color they had the most? the least? and if any had the same or equal number?

We also created masterpieces painting with marbles!

Some students enjoyed the sensory tub using magnets to find all the metal pieces and hardware hidden in the aquarium rocks.

Monday, September 20, 2010

M is for Masquerade Masks!

Today we revealed the sound of the week, M! To help remind Pre-k bees we made masquerade masks. Be sure to check out the "Ask me about" section to ask more about my Marvelous Monday with M.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This Week in PK B

B is for Baking Banana Bread!

Today was our last day for the B sound. We celebrated with block's blueberry bagels for snack and baking banana bread. We had a great time.

Each Friday, Pre K students will come home with their own mini book of our Alphatale, this week it was Bear's Bubbles. These books are great ways for you to review with your child the sound of the week. Let them read you the story!Also on Fridays PK bees will decorate a large cardboard letter that will be displayed throughout the year in our classroom. This time we decorated the letter B with band-aids.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

B is for blackberries & bananas!

Today we did our first estimation, how many gummi bears do you think are in the jar? PK bees did a great job. We talked about how we knew there was more than one and less than a million. We wrote our guesses and later counted to see which student was closest. All students took some home to enjoy.

We did our first blindfold tasting for the letter B. Two students were blindfolded and tasted blackberries and bananas. Both students guessed correctly! All students then enjoyed these delicious B's for snack today.

Some students today enjoyed making a number book using bee stickers to practice number correspondence and counting and identifying numbers up to ten. it was amazing to see just how many students loved making these simple little strip books.